
Kartochki cifr ot 1 do 20
Kartochki cifr ot 1 do 20

kartochki cifr ot 1 do 20

But such data would still only be specifically accessible by > your application lacking a specification for storing that data, no other > application would understand it. In > which case, depending on how you're accessing the printer settings > themselves, you may be able to store the specific data in the RTF > document. > It's possible that RTF defines a way to escape arbitrary kinds of data. Many programs do in fact save > printer settings with their document files, but AFAIK this isn't inherent > in the RTF format. > The settings you're talking about paper size and orientation are > printer settings, not document attributes.

kartochki cifr ot 1 do 20

That said, it's not really a > C# or.NET question, so your ability to get useful advice here is limited.

kartochki cifr ot 1 do 20

> Any suggestions? > anyone? > Sorrydidn't notice your question earlier. The intention is that when a user opens the RTF-file using Ms Word, the > page is in A4 format and in landcape.

Kartochki cifr ot 1 do 20